Do you enjoy your backyard but wish you had a little more privacy? Listed below are some great landscaping ideas for creating more privacy in your backyard from Torontos award-winning landscapers M.E. contracting.
Privacy Fence
It seems pretty straightforward, but if you would like more privacy, you can have a privacy fence installed. Privacy fencing has greatly improved in not only function but appearance as well. It blends with your overall Landscaping. You can choose from several different styles depending on how you would like your yard to look. Privacy fence comes in PVC, vinyl, and wood and with so many styles to choose from you are sure to not only receive the privacy you are looking for but also add to the aesthetic of your home.
Whether you have a deck, patio, inground swimming pool, or open backyard, privacy features are often desirable and partitions are an excellent way to create privacy in your backyard. Partitions allow you to create privacy anywhere you want in your backyard, and they are not permanent structures so you can easily move them if the need arises. You can purchase pre-made partitions, or you can get your creative juices flowing and create them yourselves. Some ways to create your partition include using old shutters, bookshelves or dressers, wooden pallets, doors, lattices, or large planters to name a few. Partitions allow you the privacy you are looking for while also adding the ability to remove and replace them at will.
A nice natural way to create privacy in your backyard is to plant hedges. Hedges can be trimmed to suit any height and style you wish to have for your backyard while creating a natural privacy fence. Hedges provide privacy for your backyard while also giving you the flexibility to choose the type of hedge you want and the ability to change if the need arises. Hedges are environmentally friendly and are great for individuals who prefer to use green materials for their homes.
Curtains make a beautiful addition to any backyard and can provide the privacy you are looking for. You can simply re-purpose household curtains that you are no longer using or purchase curtains that are specifically for outdoor landscaping; it is all up to your aesthetic and budget. Curtains can be easily moved, removed, or changed depending on the season or your design aesthetic. Curtains can be attached directly to your porch and provide the privacy you desire, but can easily be opened to allow an unobstructed view of your backyard.
Stone Wall
If you are looking for a permanent way to create privacy in your backyard, an excellent choice is a stone wall. Stone is solid and weather resistant making it a great choice for parts of the country where weather may wreak havoc on traditional privacy fencing. You can choose to create a solid one-level stone wall, or you can create a multilevel one where you can add flowers, fruits, vegetables, or foliage to create a unique and practical privacy fence. Stone comes in many different types, styles, and shapes, and it is up to your budget and vision which type of stone you choose to use.
Corrugated Metal
If you are looking to make your backyard more private and prefer a more modern look for your decorating then corrugated metal is just what you are looking for. A corrugated metal fence is an aesthetically pleasing and more economical way to create a privacy fence for your backyard. Corrugated metal is strong, lightweight, and rustproof making it a great material for privacy fencing. Corrugated metal can also be cut to suit any size, shape, or style you wish to use for your backyard privacy. It can also be painted or coated to match the color palette of your custom home.
Living Fence
Do you enjoy growing vegetables and herbs but want space and privacy, then you can create a living fence. A living fence will not only give you the privacy you are looking for; it will allow you to grow vegetables and herbs without taking up valuable backyard space. You can choose to use a trellis and use vining vegetables and herbs that will climb the trellis creating a unique and environmentally friendly privacy fence, or you can choose to use hanging planters giving you the versatility to change the plants and planters whenever you want. A living fence is an excellent idea if you have an outdoor kitchen or if you grill outside because you will have fresh vegetables and herbs at your disposal to add fresh flavor to whatever you are cooking.
If you are looking for more privacy for your backyard you can choose to go the traditional route and use standard fencing, or you can choose to create a unique look by utilizing different materials.
You can choose to create a permanent fence or a temporary or movable one the choice is up to you and your budget. It is important to make a choice that is best for you and will make your backyard not only private but pleasing to look at from your home.
Author Profile
'M.E. Contracting is one of Toronto’s premier outdoor solutions company. Founded by owners Keren and Eitan Abu, with a desire to change the face of Toronto through the revitalization of outdoor living space, M.E. Contracting was established. The “M” and “E” stand for Keren and Eitan’s daughters, Mika and Emma; from the start these two girls have inspired the vision of innovation and creativity that M.E. embodies today. Want to see for yourself? Our 7,000 square foot landscaping showroom is the only showroom in Ontario dedicated to landscaping and outdoor transformations'